Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Library 2.0

Last winter I decided I wanted to know everything I could about Web 2.0 so I looked articles to share with the staff. I found a very basic article in LJ, copied and shared it with the staff and then made a point of discussing it with my staff..on a one to one basis. I now understand why the library is leading toward this type of learning as it is the future. Social networking is here and now and is not going away. Some who have been resisting "technology" for so long can no longer get by with that attitude. Helene Blowers and her team certainly have their work cut out for them. I do think that doing the "23 things" is a great way to start.

yum yum delicio

Well.. I certainly see the value in having a delicious account. It was easy to get lost looking at what others had tagged.

Friday, September 12, 2008

My Very Own Library

I have always wanted my own I have it thanks to Library Thing! I have cataloged 5 of my favorite titles related to health.

Learn and P....

LOL.................sometimes technology is a little too much............................

Tweety Bird

OK..I registered for an acct with Twitter and was amazed that I already had 2 followers.. how cool. Guess I just keep logged in all day to see what is up with my peeps. ;-)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Image Generator

That was loads of fun. I actually created a poster with a family picture and emailed to all my family.

Beach Vacation with the In-Laws

Guess which beach babe I am...

RSS Feeds

Wow..that task took me longer than expected. I set up my bloglines account. I kept running into websites that I liked and finally was able to narrow down my search to 10 feeds that I thought I could use.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Preloadr Masher

Preloadr is a neat little tool that offers free photo editing for Flickr. You just log in to Flickr and give Preloadr permission to access your account - you can then choose an image to crop, rotate or flip. You can also adjust the zoom level, scale your image and add text. The drop-down menus provide yet more options: blur, sharpen, contrast, color correction, graduation curve, auto-contrast, grayscale, inverse, swirl and granulation. If you’re a Flickr Pro user, you can then save your modified image and replace the old one - if you’ve got a free account, Preloadr will upload the edited file as a new image.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Interesting Technology

I don't know if this counts but I like Yahoo Groups. I belong to a couple of groups in which we communicate back and forth about something we all have in common. I find it extremely helpful in gathering information. Talking with other folks about a topic will get you more information or might help you think about something in a different light.